Monday, May 2, 2016

A funny thing happened on the way.......

Wah..... all the games she can't play!  Not now.....when she gets home!

That face!

It’s been a dreary week in terms of weather. Lots of on and off rain, but such is the mid-western life during this time of the year, apparently. At least it is not snowing!


Last week’s P Day was noteworthy in that we spent most of it sitting around in a comic shop waiting for the elders to meet us. They had all their Warhammer on clearance- 5$ for any of it. So I picked up a codex (they only had dark angels but I couldn’t resist) and a Warhammer fantasy audio drama. I’m a sucker for Warhammer. ):


We’ve met a few cool people this week, and we had a really good heart to heart with the group we lovingly call ‘the friends’. They’re the gaggle all living together. We’re beginning to get to the heart of some of the true issues with them, and Sister Carter keeps pointing out that it’s likely because of my presence. I apparently think very much like one of them, and he’s the consummate ringleader, so it’s tugging the rest into light, I guess.


Our car battery died sometime Friday night. How we cannot even begin to fathom, but as we live on a steep hill and the members we live with have been out of town the last couple days, I got to brave the lack of power steering (for a tiny ford, it sure didn’t not want to do anything) and the questionability of the brakes to get it off the driveway (which I’m sure has to be at least a 45* angle. It’s obscene.) A member drove out in the rain to give us a jump. Thank heavens for willing members who live close by.


My finds, the library where we email has LOTS of games (including the pen and paper Warhammer 40k and even Traveler!), and mah face.  Wish I could play them!





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