Monday, September 15, 2014

cold weather is on it's way....

I'm learning to be more grateful (and more humble, since the two go hand in hand), and working on that belief that it all works together for my good. I've said a lot of prayers for charity (the pure love of Christ) as of late, too. 
Sent off a letter the other day, and the very next day it started getting cold! Anything under 63 to me is cold, but it was in the 50s the other day. Winter is coming! I'm a baby and most of the ward has teased me quite a bit. Excited for any of the knitted bits you might have made. :) (working on that!) I bought two jackets and a sweater the other day. The long one is more like a fog/rain coat, but it has a wool and heavy satin lining, so I figure its an outermost layer kind of coat. Then I found this kind of classic looking tan jacket with furry stuff at the collar and sleeves. Lastly I found a knit sweater thing that I'm quite fond of(its mostly wool). Also bought some thermals, and I bought two pair of alpaca socks (and the stall owner gave me a third pair because she loves us (the Sister missionaries) so much)... So I have warm things for the now. We'll see how talented I am at layering once the snow comes.
Jaelynn's baptism didn't happen this last Satuday- her mom was terribly sick and would not have been able to go if we continued. So she's rescheduled for this coming weekend. Ana's off date because she's not been keeping the commitment to read, so her mom won't okay her baptism(but mom's also not totally supportive because she's distracted by other life things right now). Sue's still chugging along, though she didn't come to Sacrament(something apparently came up). Brandi can't go anywhere until she moves out, and the stumbling blocks are piling up(medical bills are ridiculous- makes me really grateful to have such awesome medical)... Faith is hard sometimes. God asks some major life changes sometimes.
I've been studying charity, repentance, and I've been reading straight through both the bible and Book of Mormon. It's slow going, since I have so much to study, but it's nice to come through with an older perspective (last time I read through like this I was a teen- all my other reading has been topic reading or spontaneous location reading)... I forgot how much brutal killing there was in the Old Testament. Wow.
There were some geese in a field next to a (church) member's place. I chased them. It was most excellent. I like the flapping noise.

Transfers were largely uneventful for my companionship, as we were the only pair in my district who didn't go- those who aren't changing location or companions don't go, since it's a heck of a drive. But my district got three new ones, including two brand new missionaries. I've gotten pretty attached to one of the new Hermanas (a little Texan who plays bagpipes and loves movies) already. The new zone leader isn't very chatty. Kind of a shame, since I liked how social the previous one was. The next transfer is Oct 16th, and I'll be going to that, as my companion goes home that transfer. I won't know if I'm staying in this area or if I'm going somewhere else until that week.
What are you and the family studying in the scriptures?

glad to see that she's acquired some real cold weather gear

she looks fabulous!


  1. I like that top one, the darker coat with the fleece. I had a tan rain coat on my mish just like the lower one she's wearing.

  2. I hope she'll post pictures modeling the items you're knitting, Jen.
