Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Flying to Iowa

Christine called from the airport during her layover today – she’s doing great!  She sounded very much in charge (no surprise) of her group of 20+ new missionaries all on their way to Iowa.  She regaled us with stories of tough classes, bonding with others, gym, food and of Elders who would talk smack to her and how she’d verbally take them down a peg or two.  Apparently, in good fun, one of the sisters put her in a choke hold and she deftly got out of it, much to the surprise of the other sister.  

The predicted glorious pizza was indeed very good…. It was heavenly in comparison to mass produced food, but to her it was from a chain…much like at home.

Since we sent a new, larger piece of luggage, there was some consideration of what to do with the third piece….as she is only allowed to check-in two pieces.  The smallest piece is the right size to be, and is now her carry-on….whew!

Her original companion left the MTC due to family concerns, so she was assigned to an established pair, making it a trio. While girls tend to work better in pairs, the trio worked well together.  One is about her age and is from San Diego, the other is younger and from Utah.  They got along well.

She is good with all that she had to learn, and she feels reasonably prepared.  Her dad was able to give her a bit of advice regarding expectations and first days on mission, in the field.  We all gathered around the phone (on speaker) so we could all hear her stories and hear that she sounds well.

Our prayers are with her and her companions.


  1. The first paragraph was my favorite. So, is food from a chain good or bad in this case? Glad the luggage all worked out. Phrewie. Trios are tough, good job making it work.

  2. Meaning it was good....not spectacular. Yup, she's fabulous, isn't she?
